Hye! Sedar tak sedar hari ni dah last day of April. And dah dekat sebulan cuti. Im still doing nothing during this hols. I wanna get a job! But too lazy to find it told you. Ugh *long sigh* Nah nvm. Let's wait till that rajin time will come. Seems like im gonna stay lid dis till the end of this semester break. I do really need some money rite now. Well you know, to buy a things. Or maybe to spend it when going out with my buddyz. Hm the things that happen to me that i most hated is when there's many things i wanna buy but that time i dont even have any penny of money and vice versa. The hell is that? Keep calm keep smile. Haha that's normal moment for everyone i guess. So I decided to get a job during this hols as soon as possible. Nak shoppinggggg :D Publish!